algo.h | Parallel STL function calls corresponding to the stl_algo.h header |
algobase.h | Parallel STL function calls corresponding to the stl_algobase.h header. The functions defined here mainly do case switches and call the actual parallelized versions in other files. Inlining policy: Functions that basically only contain one function call, are declared inline. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
algorithm | |
ext/algorithm | |
parallel/algorithm | |
bits/algorithmfwd.h | |
parallel/algorithmfwd.h | |
aligned_buffer.h | |
bits/alloc_traits.h | |
ext/alloc_traits.h | |
allocator.h | |
array | |
array_allocator.h | |
assoc_container.hpp | |
atomic | |
atomic_base.h | |
atomic_lockfree_defines.h | |
atomic_word.h | |
atomicity.h | |
auto_ptr.h | |
backward_warning.h | |
balanced_quicksort.h | Implementation of a dynamically load-balanced parallel quicksort |
profile/base.h | Sequential helper functions. This file is a GNU profile extension to the Standard C++ Library |
parallel/base.h | Sequential helper functions. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
basic_file.h | |
basic_ios.h | |
basic_ios.tcc | |
basic_iterator.h | Includes the original header files concerned with iterators except for stream iterators. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
basic_string.h | |
basic_string.tcc | |
bin_search_tree_.hpp | |
binary_heap_.hpp | |
binders.h | |
binomial_heap_.hpp | |
binomial_heap_base_.hpp | |
bitmap_allocator.h | |
bitset | |
debug/bitset | |
profile/bitset | |
bool_set | |
bool_set.tcc | |
boost_concept_check.h | |
branch_policy.hpp | |
c++0x_warning.h | |
c++14_warning.h | |
c++allocator.h | |
c++config.h | |
c++io.h | |
c++locale.h | |
c++locale_internal.h | |
cassert | |
cast.h | |
cc_hash_max_collision_check_resize_trigger_imp.hpp | |
cc_ht_map_.hpp | |
ccomplex | |
tr1/ccomplex | |
cctype | |
tr1/cctype | |
cerrno | |
cfenv | |
tr1/cfenv | |
cfloat | |
tr1/cfloat | |
char_traits.h | |
checkers.h | Routines for checking the correctness of algorithm results. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
chrono | |
cinttypes | |
tr1/cinttypes | |
ciso646 | |
climits | |
tr1/climits | |
clocale | |
cmath | |
tr1/cmath | |
cmp_fn_imps.hpp | |
codecvt.h | |
codecvt_specializations.h | |
x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/compatibility.h | |
parallel/compatibility.h | Compatibility layer, mostly concerned with atomic operations |
compiletime_settings.h | Defines on options concerning debugging and performance, at compile-time. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
complex | |
tr1/complex | |
complex.h | |
concept_check.h | |
concurrence.h | |
cond_dealtor.hpp | |
cond_key_dtor_entry_dealtor.hpp | |
condition_variable | |
binary_heap_/const_iterator.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/const_iterator.hpp | |
unordered_iterator/const_iterator.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/constructor_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/constructor_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
list_update_map_/constructor_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/constructor_destructor_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/constructor_destructor_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/constructor_destructor_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/constructor_destructor_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
binary_heap_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
binomial_heap_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
binomial_heap_base_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
ov_tree_map_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
pairing_heap_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
pat_trie_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
rb_tree_map_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
rc_binomial_heap_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
splay_tree_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
thin_heap_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp | |
container_base_dispatch.hpp | |
cpp_type_traits.h | |
cpu_defines.h | |
csetjmp | |
csignal | |
cstdarg | |
tr1/cstdarg | |
cstdbool | |
tr1/cstdbool | |
cstddef | |
cstdint | |
tr1/cstdint | |
cstdio | |
tr1/cstdio | |
cstdlib | |
tr1/cstdlib | |
cstring | |
ctgmath | |
tr1/ctgmath | |
ctime | |
tr1/ctime | |
ctype_base.h | |
ctype_inline.h | |
cwchar | |
tr1/cwchar | |
cwctype | |
tr1/cwctype | |
cxxabi.h | |
cxxabi_forced.h | |
cxxabi_tweaks.h | |
debug.h | |
debug_allocator.h | |
binary_heap_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
binomial_heap_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
binomial_heap_base_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
list_update_map_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
ov_tree_map_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
pairing_heap_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
pat_trie_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
rb_tree_map_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
rc_binomial_heap_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
splay_tree_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
thin_heap_/debug_fn_imps.hpp | |
debug_map_base.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/debug_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/debug_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/debug_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/debug_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
decimal | |
deque | |
debug/deque | |
profile/deque | |
deque.tcc | |
direct_mask_range_hashing_imp.hpp | |
direct_mod_range_hashing_imp.hpp | | | |
dynamic_bitset | |
dynamic_bitset.tcc | |
enable_special_members.h | |
enc_filebuf.h | |
entry_cmp.hpp | |
entry_list_fn_imps.hpp | |
entry_metadata_base.hpp | |
entry_pred.hpp | |
eq_by_less.hpp | |
equally_split.h | |
binary_heap_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
binomial_heap_base_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
list_update_map_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
ov_tree_map_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
pairing_heap_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
pat_trie_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
rb_tree_map_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
rc_binomial_heap_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
splay_tree_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
thin_heap_/erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/erase_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/erase_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/erase_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/erase_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
error_constants.h | |
exception | |
exception.hpp | |
exception_defines.h | |
exception_ptr.h | |
extc++.h | |
extptr_allocator.h | |
features.h | Defines on whether to include algorithm variants |
fenv.h | |
find.h | Parallel implementation base for std::find(), std::equal() and related functions. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
binary_heap_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
binomial_heap_base_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
list_update_map_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
pairing_heap_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
pat_trie_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
rb_tree_map_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
splay_tree_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
thin_heap_/find_fn_imps.hpp | |
find_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
find_selectors.h | _Function objects representing different tasks to be plugged into the parallel find algorithm. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
cc_hash_table_map_/find_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/find_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
for_each.h | Main interface for embarrassingly parallel functions |
for_each_selectors.h | Functors representing different tasks to be plugged into the generic parallelization methods for embarrassingly parallel functions. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
formatter.h | |
forward_list | |
debug/forward_list | |
profile/forward_list | |
forward_list.h | |
forward_list.tcc | |
fstream | |
fstream.tcc | |
functexcept.h | |
functional | |
ext/functional | |
functional_hash.h | |
functions.h | |
future | |
gp_ht_map_.hpp | |
gslice.h | |
gslice_array.h | |
gstdint.h | |
gthr-default.h | |
gthr-posix.h | |
gthr-single.h | |
gthr.h | |
hash_bytes.h | |
hash_eq_fn.hpp | |
hash_exponential_size_policy_imp.hpp | |
hash_fun.h | |
hash_load_check_resize_trigger_imp.hpp | |
hash_load_check_resize_trigger_size_base.hpp | |
hash_map | |
hash_policy.hpp | |
hash_prime_size_policy_imp.hpp | |
hash_set | |
hash_standard_resize_policy_imp.hpp | |
bits/hashtable.h | |
backward/hashtable.h | |
hashtable_policy.h | |
indirect_array.h | |
binary_heap_/info_fn_imps.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/info_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/info_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/info_fn_imps.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/info_fn_imps.hpp | |
list_update_map_/info_fn_imps.hpp | |
ov_tree_map_/info_fn_imps.hpp | |
pat_trie_/info_fn_imps.hpp | |
rb_tree_map_/info_fn_imps.hpp | |
splay_tree_/info_fn_imps.hpp | |
initializer_list | |
binary_heap_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
binomial_heap_base_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
list_update_map_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
ov_tree_map_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
pairing_heap_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
rb_tree_map_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
rc_binomial_heap_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
splay_tree_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
thin_heap_/insert_fn_imps.hpp | |
insert_join_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/insert_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/insert_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/insert_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/insert_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
iomanip | |
ios | |
ios_base.h | |
iosfwd | |
iostream | |
istream | |
istream.tcc | |
iterator | |
ext/iterator | |
iterator.h | Helper iterator classes for the std::transform() functions. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
iterator.hpp | |
iterator_fn_imps.hpp | |
iterator_tracker.h | |
binary_heap_/iterators_fn_imps.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/iterators_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/iterators_fn_imps.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/iterators_fn_imps.hpp | |
list_update_map_/iterators_fn_imps.hpp | |
ov_tree_map_/iterators_fn_imps.hpp | |
pat_trie_/iterators_fn_imps.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_.hpp | |
limits | |
linear_probe_fn_imp.hpp | |
list | |
debug/list | |
profile/list | |
list.tcc | |
list_partition.h | _Functionality to split __sequence referenced by only input iterators. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
list_update_policy.hpp | |
locale | |
locale_classes.h | |
locale_classes.tcc | |
locale_facets.h | |
locale_facets.tcc | |
locale_facets_nonio.h | |
locale_facets_nonio.tcc | |
localefwd.h | |
losertree.h | Many generic loser tree variants. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
lu_counter_metadata.hpp | |
lu_map_.hpp | |
macros.h | |
malloc_allocator.h | |
map | |
debug/map | |
profile/map | |
debug/map.h | |
profile/map.h | |
mask_array.h | |
mask_based_range_hashing.hpp | |
memory | |
ext/memory | |
memoryfwd.h | |
merge.h | Parallel implementation of std::merge(). This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
messages_members.h | |
mod_based_range_hashing.hpp | |
move.h | |
mt_allocator.h | |
debug/multimap.h | |
profile/multimap.h | |
multiseq_selection.h | Functions to find elements of a certain global __rank in multiple sorted sequences. Also serves for splitting such sequence sets |
debug/multiset.h | |
profile/multiset.h | |
multiway_merge.h | Implementation of sequential and parallel multiway merge |
multiway_mergesort.h | Parallel multiway merge sort. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
mutex | |
nested_exception.h | |
new | |
new_allocator.h | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/node.hpp | |
rb_tree_map_/node.hpp | |
splay_tree_/node.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/node_iterators.hpp | |
ov_tree_map_/node_iterators.hpp | |
tree_policy/node_metadata_selector.hpp | |
trie_policy/node_metadata_selector.hpp | |
null_node_metadata.hpp | |
numeric | |
ext/numeric | |
parallel/numeric | |
numeric_traits.h | |
numericfwd.h | |
omp_loop.h | Parallelization of embarrassingly parallel execution by means of an OpenMP for loop. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
omp_loop_static.h | Parallelization of embarrassingly parallel execution by means of an OpenMP for loop with static scheduling. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
opt_random.h | |
tree_policy/order_statistics_imp.hpp | |
trie_policy/order_statistics_imp.hpp | |
os_defines.h | |
ostream | |
ostream.tcc | |
ostream_insert.h | |
ov_tree_map_.hpp | |
pairing_heap_.hpp | |
par_loop.h | Parallelization of embarrassingly parallel execution by means of equal splitting. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
parallel.h | End-user include file. Provides advanced settings and tuning options. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
parse_numbers.h | |
partial_sum.h | Parallel implementation of std::partial_sum(), i.e. prefix sums. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
partition.h | Parallel implementation of std::partition(), std::nth_element(), and std::partial_sort(). This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
pat_trie_.hpp | |
pat_trie_base.hpp | |
pod_char_traits.h | |
binary_heap_/point_const_iterator.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/point_const_iterator.hpp | |
unordered_iterator/point_const_iterator.hpp | |
point_iterator.hpp | |
point_iterators.hpp | |
pointer.h | |
binary_heap_/policy_access_fn_imps.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/policy_access_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/policy_access_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/policy_access_fn_imps.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/policy_access_fn_imps.hpp | |
ov_tree_map_/policy_access_fn_imps.hpp | |
pat_trie_/policy_access_fn_imps.hpp | |
pool_allocator.h | |
postypes.h | |
predefined_ops.h | |
prefix_search_node_update_imp.hpp | |
priority_queue.hpp | |
priority_queue_base_dispatch.hpp | |
probe_fn_base.hpp | |
profiler.h | Interface of the profiling runtime library |
profiler_algos.h | Algorithms used by the profile extension |
profiler_container_size.h | Diagnostics for container sizes |
profiler_hash_func.h | Data structures to represent profiling traces |
profiler_hashtable_size.h | Collection of hashtable size traces |
profiler_list_to_slist.h | Diagnostics for list to slist |
profiler_list_to_vector.h | Diagnostics for list to vector |
profiler_map_to_unordered_map.h | Diagnostics for map to unordered_map |
profiler_node.h | Data structures to represent a single profiling event |
profiler_state.h | Global profiler state |
profiler_trace.h | Data structures to represent profiling traces |
profiler_vector_size.h | Collection of vector size traces |
profiler_vector_to_list.h | Diagnostics for vector to list |
ptr_traits.h | |
quadratic_probe_fn_imp.hpp | |
queue | |
queue.h | Lock-free double-ended queue. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
quicksort.h | Implementation of a unbalanced parallel quicksort (in-place). This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
bin_search_tree_/r_erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
pat_trie_/r_erase_fn_imps.hpp | |
random | |
random.h | |
bits/random.tcc | |
ext/random.tcc | |
random_number.h | Random number generator based on the Mersenne twister. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
random_shuffle.h | Parallel implementation of std::random_shuffle(). This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
range_access.h | |
ranged_hash_fn.hpp | |
ranged_probe_fn.hpp | |
ratio | |
tr2/ratio | |
rb_tree | |
rb_tree_.hpp | |
rc.hpp | |
rc_binomial_heap_.hpp | |
rc_string_base.h | |
regex | |
regex.h | |
regex.tcc | |
regex_automaton.h | |
regex_automaton.tcc | |
regex_compiler.h | |
regex_compiler.tcc | |
regex_constants.h | Constant definitions for the std regex library |
regex_error.h | Error and exception objects for the std regex library |
regex_executor.h | |
regex_executor.tcc | |
regex_scanner.h | |
regex_scanner.tcc | |
cc_hash_table_map_/resize_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/resize_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/resize_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/resize_no_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
resize_policy.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/resize_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/resize_store_hash_fn_imps.hpp | |
rope | |
ropeimpl.h | |
bin_search_tree_/rotate_fn_imps.hpp | |
pat_trie_/rotate_fn_imps.hpp | |
safe_base.h | |
safe_iterator.h | |
safe_iterator.tcc | |
safe_local_iterator.h | |
safe_local_iterator.tcc | |
safe_sequence.h | |
safe_sequence.tcc | |
safe_unordered_base.h | |
safe_unordered_container.h | |
safe_unordered_container.tcc | |
sample_probe_fn.hpp | |
sample_range_hashing.hpp | |
sample_ranged_hash_fn.hpp | |
sample_ranged_probe_fn.hpp | |
sample_resize_policy.hpp | |
sample_resize_trigger.hpp | |
sample_size_policy.hpp | |
sample_tree_node_update.hpp | |
sample_trie_access_traits.hpp | |
sample_trie_node_update.hpp | |
sample_update_policy.hpp | |
scoped_allocator | |
search.h | Parallel implementation base for std::search() and std::search_n(). This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
set | |
debug/set | |
profile/set | |
debug/set.h | |
profile/set.h | |
set_operations.h | Parallel implementations of set operations for random-access iterators. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
settings.h | Runtime settings and tuning parameters, heuristics to decide whether to use parallelized algorithms. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
shared_ptr.h | |
shared_ptr_base.h | |
size_fn_imps.hpp | |
slice_array.h | |
slist | |
sort.h | Parallel sorting algorithm switch. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
splay_fn_imps.hpp | |
splay_tree_.hpp | |
split_fn_imps.hpp | |
binary_heap_/split_join_fn_imps.hpp | |
binomial_heap_base_/split_join_fn_imps.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/split_join_fn_imps.hpp | |
ov_tree_map_/split_join_fn_imps.hpp | |
pairing_heap_/split_join_fn_imps.hpp | |
rb_tree_map_/split_join_fn_imps.hpp | |
rc_binomial_heap_/split_join_fn_imps.hpp | |
splay_tree_/split_join_fn_imps.hpp | |
thin_heap_/split_join_fn_imps.hpp | |
sso_string_base.h | |
sstream | |
sstream.tcc | |
stack | |
standard_policies.hpp | |
stdc++.h | |
stdexcept | |
stdio_filebuf.h | |
stdio_sync_filebuf.h | |
stdtr1c++.h | |
stl_algo.h | |
stl_algobase.h | |
stl_bvector.h | |
stl_construct.h | |
stl_deque.h | |
stl_function.h | |
stl_heap.h | |
stl_iterator.h | |
stl_iterator_base_funcs.h | |
stl_iterator_base_types.h | |
stl_list.h | |
stl_map.h | |
stl_multimap.h | |
stl_multiset.h | |
stl_numeric.h | |
stl_pair.h | |
stl_queue.h | |
stl_raw_storage_iter.h | |
stl_relops.h | |
stl_set.h | |
stl_stack.h | |
stl_tempbuf.h | |
stl_tree.h | |
stl_uninitialized.h | |
stl_vector.h | |
stream_iterator.h | |
streambuf | |
streambuf.tcc | |
streambuf_iterator.h | |
string | |
debug/string | |
string_conversions.h | |
stringfwd.h | |
strstream | |
synth_access_traits.hpp | |
system_error | |
tag_and_trait.hpp | |
tags.h | Tags for compile-time selection. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
tgmath.h | |
thin_heap_.hpp | |
thread | |
throw_allocator.h | |
time_members.h | |
binary_heap_/trace_fn_imps.hpp | |
cc_hash_table_map_/trace_fn_imps.hpp | |
gp_hash_table_map_/trace_fn_imps.hpp | |
left_child_next_sibling_heap_/trace_fn_imps.hpp | |
list_update_map_/trace_fn_imps.hpp | |
pat_trie_/trace_fn_imps.hpp | |
rc_binomial_heap_/trace_fn_imps.hpp | |
thin_heap_/trace_fn_imps.hpp | |
bin_search_tree_/traits.hpp | |
branch_policy/traits.hpp | |
ov_tree_map_/traits.hpp | |
pat_trie_/traits.hpp | |
rb_tree_map_/traits.hpp | |
splay_tree_/traits.hpp | |
tree_policy.hpp | |
tree_trace_base.hpp | |
trie_policy.hpp | |
trie_policy_base.hpp | |
trie_string_access_traits_imp.hpp | |
tuple | |
type_traits | |
tr2/type_traits | |
type_traits.h | |
type_utils.hpp | |
typeindex | |
typeinfo | |
typelist.h | |
types.h | Basic types and typedefs. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
types_traits.hpp | |
unique_copy.h | Parallel implementations of std::unique_copy(). This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library |
unique_ptr.h | |
unordered_base.h | |
unordered_map | |
debug/unordered_map | |
profile/unordered_map | |
unordered_map.h | |
unordered_set | |
debug/unordered_set | |
profile/unordered_set | |
unordered_set.h | |
update_fn_imps.hpp | |
uses_allocator.h | |
utility | |
valarray | |
valarray_after.h | |
valarray_array.h | |
valarray_array.tcc | |
valarray_before.h | |
vector | |
debug/vector | |
profile/vector | |
vector.tcc | |
vstring.h | |
vstring.tcc | |
vstring_fwd.h | |
vstring_util.h | |
workstealing.h | Parallelization of embarrassingly parallel execution by means of work-stealing |